jeudi 13 août 2015

Query Inside Parse Cloud For Loop

I have been trying to run my Parse Cloud Code for some time and can not seem to get around this problem:

I have an array of Parse objectId's called IDArray. I then am sending the array as a parameter of a PFCloud call. Once the array has been sent to the Cloud Code, I can not seem to successfully create a for loop that goes through and updates a number value stored as "points" on Parse for each objectId.

In a nutshell, this is all I am trying to accomplish:

  • I just need to be able to have the for loop go through each objectId and perform an action for each ID.

I have been trying to get this to work for some time but have had no luck. Here is the code that I have been trying to manipulate - hopefully it will give someone a starting point to answer my question.

Parse.Cloud.define('updateAllUsers', function(request, response) {
    var UserData = Parse.Object.extend('UserData');
    var query = new Parse.Query(UserData);
    var list = request.params.listID;
    var currentuser = request.params.user;

    for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
        var userdata = list[i];
        query.get(list[i], {
            success: function(userdata) {
                response.success('Should add up');
                userdata.increment('Done', +1);
            error: function() {
                response.error('something went wrong ' );

If someone could please help me with this I would be very grateful. Thank you

via Chebli Mohamed

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